
Compete in any or all of the below categories and earn points for coming in 1st, 2nd or 3rd place. The more top three finishes, the better chance you have at taking home the Corporate Challenge Belt.


A new approach to live scoring

Live Tracking

Every participant will be given a wristband with a unique QR code that will be used to score them throughout the day. These wristbands will be distributed the week before Corporate Challenge during the Team Captain Pickup.

Thanks to Avancir, Team Captains will be given more access on-site and will be able to track who from their team has competed and in what sports. Live-scoring will also be available on the participant level, meaning participants can view the top scores in each event at any time during the event. Live-team scoring will not be available, though, and instead will be announced at the Awards Show the following week.

Time to take home the hardware

Award Show

Stay tuned for details about the 2025 Corporate Challenge Awards Show!

Time to get in the game
